Our Daily Manna July 14, 2017: ODM devotional – Storm Your Storms!-Flatimes

Friday 14 July 2017

Our Daily Manna July 14, 2017: ODM devotional – Storm Your Storms!

Our Daily Manna July 14, 2017: ODM devotional – Storm Your Storms!

NO PRESSURE NO DIAMONDS! You Cannot Calm A Storm! You Can Only Calm Yourself! Why? Because No Storm Is Forever! It Was Made To Come And Go! It Will Pass!

Topic: Storm Your Storms! [Friday 14 July, 2017]

(Psalm 55:1-13; Mark 4:35-41).

The STORM is not a stranger to the BOAT. They are relational. In fact, a sailor would be very surprised to sail through the sea without a storm. STORMS are challenges, battles,problems, troubles, difficulties, situations and circumstances that conrfont your life and destiny. Your BOAT is that which enables you to sail your way through life. It is your vision, your dream, your goals, your faith, your hope, and your expectations. Just as the storm confronts the boat, challenged and difficulties or indeed every ACHAN ( DELAY AGENT), etc., confronts your life.

Always remember: NO PRESSURE NO DIAMONDS! The same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg! It depends on what you are made of. Not the circumstances! Oh! Every flower must grow through dirt and storms make trees take deeper roots! You cannot pray away every trial! God allows some battles to make you grow! Remember Jesus Christ at the Garden of Gethsemane? Despite His bloody and intense prayers, He went through His storm and conquered! Oh, I hate storms but note this: You Cannot Calm A Storm! You Can Only Calm Yourself! Why? Because No Storm Is Forever! It Was Made To Come And Go! It Will Pass!

So, don’t wish like David said in today’s first scripture Vs. 5-8: “……….oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest……I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest.” No Sir! Don’t run away from the storm! FACE THE STORM! STORM YOUR STORM! ACHAN is a STORM sent to DELAY YOU, BUT THE BAD NEWS FOR ACHAN is that NO STORM CAN SINK YOUR BOAT because YOUR STORM IS ON AN ASSIGNMENT!

It was sent to change you and not to sink you! Hallelujah! Hear Haruki Murakami: “Once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through! You won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what storms are all about!” Glory to God! So refuse to quit! Complete this fast and be at the last day ANOINTING SERVICE at the Manna mountain Ogudu-Orioke Lagos, July 22nd, 7am! Come with faith, anointing oil, your written prayers points, any point of contact and expectation! I shall lay hands on everyone present! Our “3 Friends ( the TRINITY) will be waiting for you!

Then Sow your “ACHAN –MUST-DIE / ANTI-DELAY SEED” INTO ANY ACCOUNT ON PAGE 29 OF ODM OR PAGE 44 OF “WAR AGAINST HAMAN -12” booklet and get your ANTI-DELAY PSALM which you will pray for 3 weeks.

Today is DAY 6 of the 14- day fasting program. PRAY THE GENERAL PRAYERS ON PAGE 93 AND PRAYERS ON PAGE 49 OF THE “WAR AGAINST HAMAN -12” booklet.

Prayer Points: Take song 2: Stand up for Jesus………

1. Pray about today’s word generally as led now.

2. Holy Ghost, raise a destructive standard against satanic storms now by fire.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.