Dunamis’ Daily Devotional February 4, 2017 by Pastor Paul Enenche – The Impact of Praying Without Ceasing-Flatimes

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Dunamis’ Daily Devotional February 4, 2017 by Pastor Paul Enenche – The Impact of Praying Without Ceasing

Topic: The Impact of Praying Without Ceasing [Saturday February 4, 2017]

Scripture: Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Thought For The Day: Praying without ceasing is the secret of winning without ceasing.

From our anchor scripture, we have been admonished by Word of God to pray always. It is continued and persistent prayer that produces result (James 5:16, AMP).

I would like us to consider two products of praying persistently:

1) Praying without ceasing is the secret of winning without ceasing.

This means that to stop praying is to start losing. Samson died as a casualty because he lived a life without prayer. Praying without ceasing, therefore, is the secret of winning without ceasing.

2) Your life’s outcome today is a product of your prayer of yesterday and your life’s outcome tomorrow is being determined by your prayers today.

Many years ago, as I was praying, the Lord ministered to me and said, “The prayer you are praying now is an investment for the next fifteen to twenty or more years. You are making investments into a time that has not yet come.” That, to me, explains why there are times I see great things happen in my life with very minimal current effort on my part.

If you do not want your today to be repeated tomorrow, then, you must change your prayer level today.

Remember this: Praying without ceasing is the secret of winning without ceasing.


1. Make up your mind to pray persistently.

2. Ask God for His Help at the place of prayer.

Prayer: O Lord, I receive the grace to pray consistently. Help me Lord to pray according to Your Will, in Jesus’ Name.


Daily Reading: Exodus 19:16 to 21:21, Matthew 23:19 to 39, Psalm 28:1 to 9, Proverbs 7:1 to 5.

Amazing Fact: When the Hippopotamus is upset, its sweat turns red.

Today In History: 04/02/1789 - George Washington, the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War was unanimously elected the first president of the United States by all 69 presidential electors who cast their votes.

Quote: When prayer is centred on what is rightfully yours then the struggle is over and the outcome is certain. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche.

Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), is a powerfully anointed church, headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Dr Paul and Dr Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.