David Abioye's Daily 27 July 2017 Devotional - Time Management-Flatimes

Thursday, 27 July 2017

David Abioye's Daily 27 July 2017 Devotional - Time Management

David Abioye's Daily 27 July 2017 Devotional - Time Management

Topic: Time Management [Thursday July 27, 2017]

Time management is life management.

Failure to manage time is life failure, because life is measured within frame of time.
Wasting time is damaging life.

Don't expose your life to time wasters because they are life damagers.

Life is allotted in time frames.

Allowing time to pass is allowing life to pass.

Letting go of time is letting go of life.

Letting time slip off is letting life slip off.

Have firm control of time to gain firm control of life.