TREM’s Daily 19 July 2017 Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo - You Have Been Graced to Reign-Flatimes

Wednesday 19 July 2017

TREM’s Daily 19 July 2017 Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo - You Have Been Graced to Reign

TREM’s Daily 19 July 2017 Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo - You Have Been Graced to Reign

Topic: You Have Been Graced to Reign [Wednesday July 19, 2017]

“For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17(KJV)

Beloved, you have received so much grace that nothing is powerful enough to pluck you out of His Hands. It also means that you have been wired to rule and reign here on earth in-spite of the prevailing challenges. It means that there is nothing you can do to fall out of God’s favor. You are secured in His hands, without guilt or condemnation. In addition, when He looks at you, He sees you in Christ. He does not see your own obedience but sees you through the obedience of Christ. What a privilege! That should make you come boldly daily to the throne room of grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. Stop struggling, stop fretting and just lean on the grace of God.

Let me remind you that Grace is God giving to you what you did not deserve, nor qualify for. Just like your salvation which was not your idea. The finished work on the cross by Christ released grace to reign unto us. That is why God gives you preferential treatment, puts you in places you don’t deserve, takes you from the backline and puts you in the frontline.

Remember also that it was He who knew no sin that became sin that you may become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. It was His decision to die, and while we all were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. Consequently, the grace of God reached out to you when you did not deserve it. Your labor, self -efforts, struggles couldn’t get it and yet He just made up His mind and said I am coming after you. In other words God took a decision to save you and love you unconditionally. Your assignment therefore is to believe and receive the grace that has been freely given to you.

Further Reading: Hebrew 4:16, Romans 5:1-17

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 23-25; Evening- Acts 21:18-40

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.