Winning Wisdom: Pray For The Government-Flatimes

Monday 17 July 2017

Winning Wisdom: Pray For The Government

Pray For The Government [Monday, 17th July 2017]

Topic: Pray For The Government [Monday, 17th July 2017]

Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2:2

We understand that we are not of the world, neither are we born of the world (John 17:16), but to a some extent, the government of the world, determines how we live our lives and practice our faith peaceably, by their laws and policies. In Daniel 6, out of jealousy, some government officials ganged up to make it difficult for Daniel to practice his faith - his commitment to prayers to God alone - through an obnoxious decree of praying only to the King Darius for thirty days. Daniel flouted the decree and was thrown into to lions den by virtue of the decree. But thank God he was preserved by God.

In some countries of the world, especially in Asia, you are not free to practice your Christian faith publicly. There are laws that prohibit the practice of Christianity. Even some where those laws are not made by the state, there are state backed crackdowns or support for persecution of Christians. This was what Apostle Paul was doing before he was apprehended by the Lord, on his way to one of his crackdowns (Acts 9). This is why we must pray for the government and those in authority to churn out policies and laws that will not impede the practice of our faith. It might not be government authorities, but even community authorities.

Pray for the government, pray for everyone saddled with the authority to make laws and policies all over the world, that their laws and policies will not impede the practice of our Christian faith. That enshrined in their constitutions will be the right to freedom of worship and association. And that there will be no state backed crackdowns that will turn people away from the faith. But, that the word of God, that helps to spread the Christian faith, will grow mightily and prevail (Acts 19:20), turning men unto righteousness. This should be a vital part of our prayers always.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Lord, I lift up the government and all those in authorities to You. I pray that they will promulgate laws and policies that will not impede the practice of our faith, and that their hearts be turned onto You, so that they will be propagators of the gospel through their laws and policies, in Jesus' Name. Amen.