Video: School teacher caught sexually assaulting 9 young female students-Flatimes

Saturday 20 December 2014

Video: School teacher caught sexually assaulting 9 young female students

A school teacher was arrested on charges of sexual abuse after he was caught sexually abusing nine young female students, prosecutors in New York said.

Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson announced that the 36-year-old Brooklyn elementary school science teacher has been arraigned on a 22-count indictment in which he is charged with crimes relating to the sexual abuse and inappropriate touching of nine of his young
female students on school property.

“This is a disturbing case in which a teacher allegedly groped young girls. This defendant is an alleged predator who surrounded himself with vulnerable victims. What should have been a safe haven became a parent’s worst nightmare. We will now seek to vindicate the rights of these children,” District Attorney Thompson said.

The District Attorney said that the defendant, Omil Carrasquillo, 36, of Selden, New York, has been arraigned before Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Deborah Dowling on a 22-count indictment in which he is charged with three counts of first-degree sexual abuse, three counts of second-degree sexual abuse, eleven counts of endangering the welfare of a child, and five counts of second-degree course of sexual conduct against a child.

The top counts are felonies, which each carry up to seven years in prison.

The defendant, who had previously been charged with sexually abusing five students, was initially arrested in September, at which time bail was set at $50,000 bond or $25,000 cash.

The judge reset bail at $200,000.

According to the police investigation, on multiple occasions, the defendant, who worked as a science teacher at Public School 249, located on Marlborough Road in the Kensington section of Brooklyn, allegedly groped or fondled nine female students who were between ages of 8 and 11.

The allegations came to light following the disclosure of one student and an ensuing investigation.