Wada: Imbued with a high sense of service-Flatimes

Thursday 18 December 2014

Wada: Imbued with a high sense of service

Thus far, Kogi State Governor Capt. Idris Wada has proven that he is a man imbued with a high sense of service.

In order to expand the frontiers of infrastructural and human capital development in Kogi State,
over the last three years, the Wada's administration in line with the driving force of a legacy of continuity, has completed projects inherited from the last administration.

The governor has not only successful completed all projects he inherited in the State, he has also embarked on new ones. Several of them with direct impact on the lives of the people.

Despite the shortfall in fiscal allocation from the federal government, the Wada administration has been able to pay workers’ salaries regularly, embark on life impacting projects, including youth employment, empowerment,  and carried out micro credit schemes among others.

It is equally important to state that since his assumption of office as governor, Capt Wada has taken several decisions that have properly affected the course of governance to connect with the envisioned vision of the founding fathers of Kogi State.

It is in this consciousness that many in the state are beginning to situate that another term in the office for Capt. Wada, a man whose socio – economic activities has galvanized a moral crusade for a rebirth, will mean growth and development.

On most counts, analysts are unanimous, that another term in office for Wada, which would be founded on public good and going by the altruistic fundamentals as showcased by the intellectualism in his programmes and policies, is why he should be encouraged to run.

A summation of the way and manner Capt. Wada has driven governance and politics so far, shows that the man is best situated to govern a complex Kogi State, with equity and justice as his watchword.

With programmes on going to place Kogi State on a new era of true greatness, Kogi State is believed and like any other developed society will grow to greatness if another opportunity is given for Capt. Wada to consolidate on the vision, great management of resources as well as ensure great leadership that would enable the state attain the capacity and willingness to reach its nadir.

Just like J. F. Kennedy’s postulation, Kogi State no doubt needs leaders of inspired idealism, leaders like Capt Wada, to whom are granted great vision, who dream greatly and strive to make their dreams come true, who can kindle the people with fire from their own burning souls.

This is exactly what Capt. Wada going by his leadership records and convictions in the last about three years has been able to prove on the sanctity of selfless service, grand vision, integrity and the courage to stay the course he represents.

A man who has been prepared for his today’s role as a consumable intellectual, Wada sees the correlation between the impact of his long years in private service as a preparation for what he is going through today, the wheel of development seem to be on course in Kogi State.

Concerned about the drive for a greater relevance for Kogi State in the scheme of things, Capt Wada has always said the drive to maximize the state’s rich potentials is now, particularly in tackling poverty, unemployment amidst plenty.

A man who reckons with the notion of attitudinal change in the state’s politics, without mincing words, the Governor has raised the bar of quality politics by identifying the issues of good governance and development as his sole purpose for being in governance. The last Party primaries of his party can testify to that. Thuggry and violence gave way to decent politics where it was the people not godfathers that decided.

Wada, a man who is not associated with combative politics, for Capt. Wada, governance is aimed at creating public value and enhancing citizen’s satisfaction by way of an enabling environment of equal opportunity, inclusiveness and the rule of law.

Today, it is not in doubt that a new set of values that reduces inequality, injustices has been made possible by Capt. Wada. This entire feat by Capt Wada was made possible by re inventing the ladder of social progress which has realistically assisted those who are disadvantaged.

A man who well fit into the next dispensation, a dispensation of continuity and consolidation, Capt. Wada has combined his meritorious private sector background, his antecedents, as a great thinker and strategist to move Kogi State steps forward in the last few years.

There is no gain saying the fact that under Capt. Wada, the state needed true transformation. There was the need to overhaul all the various systems from education to the economy and infrastructure.

Beyond sweet talk and abstract slogans, one will not be far from saying the truth, Kogi is on the threshold of genuine transformation, evidenced in outstanding results and the peace and tranquility that abound the state.

The continuity and consolidation project being clamored for by those who certainly are in the majority, is purposefully aimed at lofty accomplishments in all sectors that was begun by the present administration. This if achieved according to many, would place Kogi State under a hard-working servant leader, with integrity, who presently is at the helms of affairs for another four years would make the state a model, a bastion of development, that is driven by public private partnership.

With an abiding faith in Allah and will of the people, which has remained the cornerstone of his aspiration, making a case for the Governor for a another new era to take the state to another height of greatness, to say the obvious is a patriotic call for the state to make the desired and speedy progress.

That the administration has remained efficient, even though some very few may claim that the state is still not where it ought to be, however signals a renewal of hope that we are on a march as a people to greatness.  What is equally more important is that, Capt. Wada has also shown that so much can be achieved if the leadership is consistent, focused and purpose driven.

In concluding, the last three years of Wada in all honesty, putting empirical evidenced of growth and development, peace and tranquility into perspective, was geared towards truly serving the people. To God be the glory.

By Abu Micheal

Abu Micheal, sent in this piece from Lokoja.