You are created to be Fruitful [Part 2] by Pastor Faith Oyedepo-Flatimes

Monday 5 January 2015

You are created to be Fruitful [Part 2] by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Topic: You are created to be Fruitful [Part 2] by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Dear Reader,

I started this topic by examining fruitfulness as God’s will for you. I said that God has designed your marriage for fruitfulness and fruitfulness should be natural to man, because God has declared it to be so. Today, I shall be showing you what to do when faced with barrenness.

Be Praiseful:
Praise is comely to God. As you praise Him, your womb begins to yield her increase. The Word of God says: Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him (Psalm 67:5-7).

Stop murmuring, God is not against you. Stop complaining, He is not the cause of your trouble. Remember Hannah? Year in and out, she went to Shiloh with her husband, full of complaints that her mate was mocking her. Until she learnt the art of heartfelt prayer and vowed to God, nothing happened. Stop looking at distractions; look unto your God. When you look up to the sun, you don’t see the shadows. Look unto the Sun of Righteousness, and let your healing and deliverance from the bondage of barrenness come speedily. When you wake up in the morning, let joy fill your heart and soul. Sing His praise and thank Him for a good day ahead. Thank Him that you are even in your right senses to know the desire of your heart. Will a mad woman on the street remember being barren? Thank Him that you even have a husband, who is one flesh with you for procreation. Thank Him for His Word that can never fail in your life. Thank Him and thank Him again.

As you keep rejoicing in Him, everything that the devil has stolen is being replaced, and sooner than you even think, you will carry your baby. God did not give Hannah only one child as she requested, but many more children followed. This shall be your portion.

Serve God with All Your Heart:
This is a covenant between God and you. When you fulfill your own part of the agreement, you are automatically free to enjoy its benefits. As you serve God, you can never remain barren. The Word of God says: And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee (Exodus 23:25). Check the Scriptures, no one who served God and was initially called barren remained so for life. God always intervened.

Remember Zechariah (Luke1:5-17). He was in the service of God, when his captivity of barrenness turned. Even though, he and his wife had passed the normal child-bearing age, the covenant of God – via service, will never be broken. As you wait on God for your own child, serve Him with your time, means and your life.

Here is a testimony that will boost your faith:
“My husband and I had been married for five years without an issue. We had been to several doctors and had done a lot of tests, but there were no favourable results. The doctors didn’t come up with anything until last year, when they said I was not ovulating. My husband was told he had low sperm count. I damned them and we stopped further tests.

Later in the year, we came for the Hosanna Night, expectant that God was going to do something for us. There, the Bishop said we should dance and invoke God’s blessings on our lives. He also called out those who desired the fruit of the womb to come out, that sperm count or no sperm count, God is still able to produce babies. We all danced under the rain. I danced as I’d never danced before, and I knew God had done it. At a point, the Bishop prophesied thus: ‘All your waiting is over forever!’ I said, ‘God that is me.’ He also said, ‘You shall recover all your harvest that has stayed long night’.
My husband and I then joined the Protocol group, as we didn’t belong to any group before then. We just attended services on Sundays and went back home. As we were serving God in the Protocol group, I discovered that I was pregnant. Now, my babies will be three months on Monday. The Bishop had prophesied that our babies would be three months old by the next Hosanna Night. I have two girls – Faith and Joy. I had them on April 24 (Easter Monday)” – Idagu, J.

This is your own month. Your trials are over in the Precious Name of Jesus Christ. I decree that in nine months time, you shall bring forth your miracle baby in Jesus’ precious name! I await your testimonies! I see God giving you your own testimony today, in Jesus’ mighty name!
Don’t look for God because of children, rather serve Him with your heart for who He is. The Word of God says: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). This simply means every other thing, including children, will freely be added to you. Do you want a new chapter in your life? Why not give your life to Jesus Christ, and you shall have the new life you desire. Do you want to be born again? Please say this prayer of faith:

Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. I cannot help myself. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.

Congratulations! You are now born again! All-round rest and peace are guaranteed you, in Jesus’ Name. Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through, and; OR 07026385437 and 08141320204.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores:
  • Marriage Covenant
  • Making Marriage Work
  • Building A Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).