Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Friday September 25, 2015 Daily Devotional – Guard your Thoughts-Flatimes

Friday 25 September 2015

Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Friday September 25, 2015 Daily Devotional – Guard your Thoughts

Topic: Guard your Thoughts [Friday 25 September, 2015]

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”-Proverb 23:7

I am sure one time or the other, you would have experienced your thoughts coming to reality. I have come to realise that most of the time, especially if it is a negative experience, it is not because it was meant to happen but your thought drew such experiences to you. That is why Job during his ordeal said “the thing which I greatly fear is come unto me” (Job 3:25). His fear, his thought, attracted to him what befell him.

If there is any aspect of your life that you need to guard jealously, it is your thoughts. Your thinking defines your living. The entirety of your life is your thought made flesh. Success and failure starts from the mind, as well as wealth and poverty. So, your thought to a large extent determines what you will be and what becomes of you.

When your thought is redefined, your feelings change; when your feelings change, your behaviours change. This change in turn produces a change in your experiences, which affects your beliefs, attitude and perspective about life. Moreso, when your beliefs and attitude change, “you” also change. This means that everything about you begins and ends with your thoughts. This is why it is important to think right.

The good news is that you can guard your thoughts. It is possible to properly manage what goes in and out of your mind, so it does not destroy God’s work in you. One sure way you can do this is through your constant study and meditation of the Word of God. Definitely, the devil will constantly bring negative thoughts to you, but you can resist him with what you have inside of you, which is God’s Word. You will not fall victim of your thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ!

Remain Blessed!

Pastor Faith Abiola Oyedepo is the wife of Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.

Click HERE to read other Daily Devotional written by Pastor Faith Oyedepo