Our Daily Manna October 30, 2017: ODM devotional – Beware Of “The 3 G’s”-Flatimes

Monday 30 October 2017

Our Daily Manna October 30, 2017: ODM devotional – Beware Of “The 3 G’s”

Our Daily Manna October 30, 2017: ODM devotional – Beware Of “The 3 G’s”

Topic: Beware Of “The 3 G’s” [Monday, October 30, 2017]

Basic Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13; Matthew 26:40-41

There was a particular woman who suddenly appeared and told Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer (GO.) of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, that “You are my husband.” Adebye thought that kit was the joke of the century, so he ignored her because she was an old friend when he was in the world. The woman later went to Mrs. Adeboye at home and told her to her face, “Listen, if you don’t allow me marry Enoch, I will kill you.”Then the Adeboyes had to report the matter to the police.

Adeboye later traveled to London without informing anyone except his wife. As he opened the door of his London  apartment, the phone rang immediately and he picked the receiver. Lo and behold, the strange woman was at the other end of the line saying, “Welcome!”Adeboye said he quickly remembered Samson, Solomon and other great men of God those destiny were wasted on the laps of strange women. He also remembered how Joseph overcame! He then angrily asked the woman, “Who told you I was coming to London and how did you get my number?” She simply replied, “I have been waiting here for you!” That day, Adeboye said that he had to once and for all pray and deal with the “strange woman”. And that was it! She never returned!

Truth is, she nearly caused him a big scandal! Until you confront a problem, it remain mountain in your life and ministry. Confront it and your rest will come. I remember when very expensive video equipment was stolen from the Manna Mountain and external and internal forces nearly turned it into sexual harassment case because the prime suspect was a lady! They were however exposed when they demanded for my house and 18 million naira and the whereabouts of the missing videos was recovered. That was when the public realized their motives and the police arrested them after I secretly recorded their voices where they were threatening to release fake, scandalous articles against me if their demand for a house and money was not met!

Oh! I decree that your enemies will make a mistake that will scatter their plans against you in Jesus name! But listen: Somebody who knows you is planning your down fall! Realize that you can never outgrow temptations. Every successful man or woman of God I know has passed through these deadly, false accusations! The Word says, “Let he that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he falls.” The key words are, “take heed” – 1 Cor. 10:12 and “watch” – Matt. 26:40. Please, beware of the “3 G’s” in life – the girls, the glory (pride) and the gold (money). They have brought down the mighty and your enemies will use them against you. Learn! To grow tall in your faith, let your life be rooted in prayer! Again I say, watch1

Prayer Points: Take song (I need thee) or anyone that will connect you with God.

1. Deliver me from all the traps and tricks of Satan. Women, men, pride or love of money shall not ruin my life and ministry in Jesus name (Pray it seriously).

2. Lord, expose every wicked arrow targeting my destiny! Pray about today!

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.