Joyce Meyer's Daily 29 January 2018 Devotional: Godly Motives-Flatimes

Monday 29 January 2018

Joyce Meyer's Daily 29 January 2018 Devotional: Godly Motives

Topic: Godly Motives [Joyce Meyer's Daily Monday January 29th, 2018]

And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men. — Luke 2:52

Years ago, when we were struggling financially, I grew tired of believing for a breakthrough and broke down before the Lord. I cried about it for a while and then, by the grace of God, I made a decision and declared: “God, I am going to tithe and give offerings until the day I die, whether I ever see anything come from it or not!”

I believe with all my heart this was a test for me to see why I was really giving. The Lord wanted to reveal whether I had the right, godly motives. If I was just “giving to get,” I may have only selfishly given to get something from God.

There’s been a lot of teaching and preaching that says, “Do this and you’ll get that.” But what about having a pure heart that says, “I want to do the right thing just because it’s right and it glorifies God”?

I urge you to honestly examine your motives today and make sure they’re not self-centered. Make a wholehearted commitment to serve God for the right reasons.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, search my heart and expose my true motives and intentions today. If they are not godly in any area, point them out to me and help me change.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.