Our Daily Manna January 29, 2018: ODM devotional: Her Stolen Car Was Returned With Money!-Flatimes

Monday 29 January 2018

Our Daily Manna January 29, 2018: ODM devotional: Her Stolen Car Was Returned With Money!

Topic: Her Stolen Car Was Returned With Money! [Our Daily Manna ODM Monday, January 29th, 2018]

A strange car “thief” might have gotten away with the perfect crime – except that the culprit didn’t have any criminal intent at all. Erin Hati woke up in her home in Portland, Oregon, USA to find her old, red, Subaru missing from the driveway. After checking her security footage, she saw that the cameras had filmed someone getting into her car and sitting with the engine idling for seven minutes before finally driving away.

Thinking that it was peculiar for a car thief to waste time the owners driveway,Erin filed on police report for her stolen automobile. She didn’t have to wait very long, however, when on the next day, Erin’s husband saw a police officer talking to a woman who had returned the car with a note and cash left inside. The note read: “Hello, so sorry I stole your car.

I sent my friend with my key to pick up my red Subaru at 7802SE Woodstock and she came back with your car. I did not see the car until this morning and I said, that is not my car. There is some cash for gas and I more than apologize for the shock and upset this must have caused you. If you need to speak further with me, I am……… and my number is……… So, so sorry for this mistake.

As it turned out, the intended car was parked 10 yards away from the stolen car and older Subaru keys were sometimes interchangeable with other models locks, which resulted in the mix-up. These mistakes are often referred to as stealing because whatever is taken without the permission of the owner is stealing in this definition. And don’t forget that some mistakes have turned out to become mishaps in life ministries and Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional is that every mistake from you and those around you will turn out for your good at last! Whatever was mistaken from you shall be returned this year!

Whatever you lost mistakenly shall be restored. Mistakes shall be your ladder this year! The mistakes that will lead to tears shall pass over you! Don’t forget that it was the one mistake/error of Ahitophel (not forgiven David for killing his grandson in law and marrying his granddaughter Bathsheba) that led to his suicide and his disgrace. Pray seriously now!


Prayer Points: Take song 3: Because he lives…….
  • Also, in the Evening before you sleep, Pray – War Against Haman 13 Prayer points here
  • Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led!
  • Jehovah! Jehovah!! Restore all that I have lost in my past(pray it seriously).
  • God of David, let deadly mistakes of 2018 pass over my life, family, and ministry in Jesus name.
  • The mistake of others shall not bring tears into my soul! Still pray about this year as you are led now. Pray in tongues!
By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.