David Abioye's Daily 27 August 2017 Devotional - Like Attract Like-Flatimes

Sunday 27 August 2017

David Abioye's Daily 27 August 2017 Devotional - Like Attract Like

David Abioye's Daily 27 August 2017 Devotional - Like Attract Like

Topic: Like Attract Like [Sunday August 27, 2017]

You’ll always attract your kind in life.

Excellent people attract excellence,

Mediocrity attracts mediocre, poverty attracts poverty,

Gracious people attracts gracious people and things,

Low mentality attracts low mentality.

Watch it, whatever you have is most likely corresponding to who you are.

You cannot be one thing and attract another thing.

Nothing around you has power to impose itself upon you.

You’ll normally react when whatever is not like you come your in an attempt to stick to you.

There is a repelling force in you that disallows what is not like you to stick to you.