Our Daily Manna August 26, 2017: ODM devotional – Watch Out For Destiny Mockers And Scoffers!-Flatimes

Saturday 26 August 2017

Our Daily Manna August 26, 2017: ODM devotional – Watch Out For Destiny Mockers And Scoffers!

Our Daily Manna August 26, 2017: ODM devotional – Watch Out For Destiny Mockers And Scoffers!

God will baptize you with special favor and paralyze all the “Ishmael” (MOCKERS and SCOFFERS) sent to suck away your dreams!

Topic: Watch Out For Destiny Mockers And Scoffers! [Saturday 26 August, 2017]

(Genesis 21:5-13).

In 1894, a 16 year-old got this note from his rhetoric teacher at Harrow, in England:

“A conspicuous lack of success.”

The 16 year-old read the note and made up his mind to be stubborn to other people’s opinions. He pushed aside negative criticism and became one of the most conspiciously successful men of that twwntieth century. His nam? Winston Chruchill! God wants you, a user of today’s devotional, to ignore recent verbal attacks or harsh criticism from your detractors and remain focused.

In 1905, the University of Bern in Switzerland turned down a Ph.D project as being, “fanciful and irrelevant.”

The young Physics student who wrote the project ignored their criticism and attacks and turned those “fanciful and irrelevant” ideas into theories the world has never seen. His name? Albert Einstein! Most times, great destines encounter great opposition! Why did the world not clap for the LORD Jesus? Why did Paul suffer more that any other disciple? Why was Sarah mocked by Ishmael the stepson (Gen 21:9)? Sarah and Isaac were mocked because their destinies were unprecedented!

Do you know that there is an “Ishmael” (MOCKER) attached to every great destiny? I call such, “Ishmael” ( MOCKERS AND SCOFFERS) or “Destiny Suckers.” They are also called “Energy Suckers!” Some call them, “Career Critics.” Yet others call them, “Pessimists.” Watch out for those that Satan will use to drain your dream or suck your destiny! Be focused on your January dreams and keep seeing where you are going even as 2017 leaps on! God will baptize you with special favor and paralyze all the “Ishmael” (MOCKERS and SCOFFERS) sent to suck away your dreams! Ignore them!

THE LAGOS (OGUDU) MOUNTAIN AUGUST ANOINTING SERVICE is Sunday August 27th. TIME: 7:00am. THEME: GOD OF FAVOR, REMEMBER ME. (Bring your oil of favor; label it “Oil of Favor.” I shall lay hands on you and your oil). VENUE: 8-10 Omotayo Banwo Street, Transformer B/Stop, Ogudu-Orioke, Ogudu, Lagos.

Prayer Points: Take song 2: Stand up for Jesus……..

1. Pray about today’s word as led now.

2. I disorganize all satanic agenda aimed at distracting my life and ministry in Jesus Christ name (Pray it seriously).

3. Lord, disgrace every wicked critic/ MOCKER, SCOFFER, GOSSIP or destiny sucker from my destiny in Jesus Christ name.

4. Pray the morning, afternoon and evening devotional prayers today. Ask for the grace to be focused.

5. Pray any other prayer(s) as led.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.