Our Daily Manna August 27, 2017: ODM devotional – The French Do Not Swallow: Meditation Power Secrets!-Flatimes

Sunday 27 August 2017

Our Daily Manna August 27, 2017: ODM devotional – The French Do Not Swallow: Meditation Power Secrets!

Our Daily Manna August 27, 2017: ODM devotional – The French Do Not Swallow: Meditation Power Secrets!

Topic — The French Do Not Swallow: Meditation Power Secrets! [Sunday 27 August, 2017]

(Joshua 1:1-9)

I learnt years ago that the French eat a lot of saturated fat, yet they are more lean ( slimmer) than the Americans and far less likely to be obese. Their diseases are half that of Americans and they have a lower obesity rate than other country in the European Union. According to the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, research conducted in restaurants in Paris and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, showed that French meals were considerably smaller. The most impressive finding was that the French take longer time to eat their smaller portions. The average french person spends nearly 100 minutes daily just eating, while Americans ‘swallow’ their daily bread in only 60 minutes. The conclusion? Take time to enjoy your food and eat slowly!

I, Dr Chris, am guilty of this sometimes but hear this: If you are served large portions, eat it by little. Never rushing their food is the secret of the French and it can be the spiritual secret of surviving life’s storms.

Since all truth is paralled, God is speaking to you today about never rushing your eating of the Word of God. This is called, “Meditation.” People who eat (read) the food of the spirit (the word of God) slowly (spending time meditating on verses of scripture), instead of swallowing (just reading it), survive the storms of life more!

I thank God that I am not guilty of this! Oh! Form the habit of picking a few scriptures (promises) and meditating on them. It’s one of my divine secrets! Avoid the busy lifestyle! It is not how far, but how well. One verse, Luke 4:18, is what my entire life’s calling is based upon: LIBERTY FOR THE BRUISED! Until you learn to discipline, quieten yourself and meditate, you may not go far in life and ministry. Elevations are products of meditations! Avoid spiritual heart attack! Don’t rush your food! Meditate often!

THE LAGOS (OGUDU) MOUNTAIN AUGUST ANOINTING SERVICE is TODAY Sunday August 27th. TIME: 7:00am. THEME: GOD OF FAVOR, REMEMBER ME. (Bring your oil of favor; label it “Oil of Favor.” I shall lay hands on you and your oil). VENUE: 8-10 Omotayo Banwo Street, Transformer B/Stop, Ogudu-Orioke, Ogudu, Lagos.

Prayer Points: Take any song of worship as led.

1. Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.

2. Repent from a “too busy” lifestyle. Ask for the grace to create time for the Word. I command all marine powers sent to frustrate my elevation through meditation; BURN BY FIRE in Jesus Christ name. Reject procrastination!

3. Use the unfailing Promises of God page in this devotional. Meditating on them today!

4. God is able! Agree with me! Lay Hands and pray with page 55 of “WAR AGAINST HAMAN -12” booklet. Get your copy today and pray BEFORE BED TIME!

5. Pray about today now!

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.