Our Daily Manna August 25, 2017: ODM devotional – Visit To The Taxidermist: Alive For You-Flatimes

Friday 25 August 2017

Our Daily Manna August 25, 2017: ODM devotional – Visit To The Taxidermist: Alive For You

Our Daily Manna August 25, 2017: ODM devotional – Visit To The Taxidermist: Alive For You

Topic — Visit To The Taxidermist: Alive For You [Friday 25 August, 2017]

(John 1:1-14).

The story is told of a man who went intyo a taxidermist’s shop ( A place for preparing and displaying the skin of animals). He noticed all of the dead, but life-like animals on display. He stopped at the front of the owl’s wings, legs and angle of the head. In his pride, he criticized the shopkeeper’s work, pointing out all the mistakes in the owl’s wings, legs and angle of the head. In his pride, he boasted that he could have done a better job himself. Suddenly, the owl turned its head and blinked. The proud man yelled in fear and oh, how humiliated he was. He had mistakenly imagined that the owl was just another dead, stuffed animal, but to his shame, he became a fool.

Likewise, do you know that lots of people proclaim that they serve a living God, but they allow worry, anxiety, frustration, and doubt? You are permitted to worry and remain downcast only if your God is dead. Jesus is not Buddha! He is not Mohammed! He is not Orunmila! He is not Hare Krishna! He is not lord Rampa of India! He is not Ntoa Ayima of Ghana! He is not Osiri of Egypt! He is not Kagutsuchi ( God of fire) of Japan! These are all dead. The Jesus on your inside is alive and His word is not just another piece of political campaign. His Word is power!

Trust His Word! Meditate on the Word daily because He is alive in the 21st Century through His Word. Rejoice! He is alive! Oh, He is alive to show Himself strong on your behalf! Amen!

THE LAGOS (OGUDU) MOUNTAIN AUGUST ANOINTING SERVICE is Sunday August 27th. TIME: 7:00am. THEME: GOD OF FAVOR, REMEMBER ME. (Bring your oil of favor; label it “Oil of Favor.” I shall lay hands on you and your oil). VENUE: 8-10 Omotayo Banwo Street, Transformer B/Stop, Ogudu-Orioke, Ogudu, Lagos.

Prayer Points: Take any song of worship as led.

1. Worship the creator of your life/ destiny.

2. Lord God, as I stand on Your Word, show that you are alive in my life, family and ministry this year in Jesus Christ name ( Pray it seriously until you have peace to stop).

3. O God, disappoint other stranger gods around my life, in Jesus Christ name.

4. Pray for me Dr Chris against a blackmailing syndicate that is determined to pull down this vision if I don’t give them money and a house. The Battle is the Lord’s!

5. Pray in Tongues over any problem now ( Mention them now and pray over each).

6. Pray generally as led on any other issue(s).

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.