Winning Wisdom: Rejoice Evermore-Flatimes

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Winning Wisdom: Rejoice Evermore

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave
Topic: Rejoice Evermore [Wednesday, 23rd Nov. 2016]

Rejoice evermore. 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Our opening scripture is one of the shortest verses in the Bible, but it carries a truth about the mind of God for us, that is beyond this world. God wants us to be very happy, to be delighted and express joy, not only internally, but also externally, so He says, "rejoice evermore" (1 Thessalonians 5:16). "Rejoices" connotes an outburst of ecstatic expression which God wants us to do, not on a stop-start or a once in a blue moon basis, but forever. Isn't that amazing?

You might want to know how you can do this. You see, every time of fellowship with God's Spirit and His Word, there is produced always, an outburst of joy. The joy of the Lord - which strengthens us - fills our heart. And because fellowship with God and His Word is not one-off or stop-start, but forever, we are always filled with joy. This is not mere talk. It is our experience, and if it is not yet your experience, you can have it as you tune in into fellowship with God and His Word.

One of the ways the Lord keeps us fired up with rejoicing, when we fellowship with Him and His Word, is when He opens the eyes of our understanding to breathtaking revelations. There's always that special moment when God reveals something to you and you just can't hold yourself from being ecstatic; that is the joy of God reverberating that you can't help but burst out in joyful songs of love for God. This is the experience of a life time and God has made it available to us. Fellowship and rejoice evermore.

Keep winning daily.

Wise Action:

Enjoy lifelong fellowship with God, because it is the basis of everlasting joy.