Shine Forth His Light-Flatimes

Friday 27 January 2017

Shine Forth His Light

Author: Emode Victor
A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: Shine Forth His Light [27/01/2017]

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1. Read: Matt 5:14-16

Light and darkness never dwell together, they have nothing in common. When light comes darkness disappears. No matter how thin your light looks, when turned on in deep darkness, it will still be seen. Everyone that has identified himself with God through genuine Salvation has the light of God in him/her and such light is expected to be turned on to outshine darkness. Of what use is the light that fails to shine in  darkness? Jesus said, Christians are the light of the world and we cannot but shine to drive away darkness from our land, churches, environments and the world at large. Wherever you are, as a child of God, He expects you to shine forth the light inside of you. More than before, God expects us to shine his light because of the thick darkness upon the face of the earth. Isaiah called it "Gross darkness", that is, great darkness. God has commanded us to Arise and shine because our light has come. So, you and I have no excuse not to shine even in such a time as this. When you shine forth His light in all your endeavors, men glorify God in heaven. Don't allow the gross darkness in the world to overshadow the light of God in you.


* Father, today I will arise and shine forth your light to your glory everywhere I find myself in Jesus name