Winning Wisdom: Praise Looks Good on Him-Flatimes

Friday 26 February 2016

Winning Wisdom: Praise Looks Good on Him

Winning Wisdom
Topic: Praise Looks Good on Him [26/2/2016]
Text: Psalm 47: 6-7

Have you ever been in a palace where praise singers are singing eulogies for their Kings? If yes, have you ever noticed the broad smile on the faces of the kings? When a praise singer sing praises of a king, he is giving him one of the happiest moments of His life.

Our God is King, Kings over the whole earth (Psalms 44:7). We are His praise singers, whom He has chosen to show forth His praises (1 Peter 2:9). Praises, not just by singing and telling of His wondrous acts, but by doing things that are praise worthy.

Jesus, all through His life on earth, did lot of things that resulted in people praising and glorifying God, He brought smiles unto the face of His Father, He dressed God with praises through His acts. This is the way to go. We must continually show forth God's praises and it can only be done sustainably through our acts, our successes and victories.

Praise looks good on God. Dress Him always with it by your works. Keep winning daily.


Dear Father, You are worthy to be praised. Praises that is engendered by my victories shall arise unto daily, because praises looks Good on You. Be praised forevermore, in Jesus name. Amen.

By Ese Ehimare Dave