Winning Wisdom Devotional: Share in His Love-Flatimes

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Winning Wisdom Devotional: Share in His Love

Topic: Share in His Love [31/5/2016]
Text: Romans 5:6-8

Preachers will say "God's love is unconditional." While that is true, it is not the total truth for every one in the world, when it comes to experiencing God's love. Experiencing God's love is on the condition of accepting His love and all that it brings. So, while the one who has received Jesus as Lord and Saviour has and experiences God's love unconditionally, a person who does not have Jesus as Lord and Saviour does not have such privilege.

But the will and wish of God is for everyone in the world, that He so loves, to experience His love - His unconditional love. The unfortunate thing is that more than half of the world's population are living outside of God's unconditional love, even though all they need to do to share in it is just to believe in their hearts in the saving and life-giving sacrifice of Jesus, and confess Him as Lord with their mouth (Romans 10:9-10).

For those of us who are enjoying the unconditional love of God - a love that we did  not pay or fight for, we must take it upon ourselves to give people all around the world the opportunity to share in this love. We must be like King David and say to God, "Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind" (Psalm 67:2 TLB). God has made His unconditional love available for all to experience and we must help as many as possible to share in His love. God, surprisingly, is counting on us to make His wish and will a reality.

Keep winning daily.

Dear loving Father, I thank You for Your unconditional love which You have made available for all mankind. I pray that as we preach about Your love to the world, men will respond to it and come share in Your unconditional love, in Jesus name. Amen.

Ese Ehimare Dave