Winning Wisdom: It Begins With You-Flatimes

Monday 28 March 2016

Winning Wisdom: It Begins With You

Winning Wisdom 
Topic It Begins With You [28/3/2016]
Text: John 14:21-2

One truth that we must know is that God desires to reach the whole world, but unfortunately, He cannot do that on His own, because God is a spirit and cannot function on this physical world without a physical body. God's desire is to manifest Himself to everyone, that is why Christ came to make us an habitation of God. So that God can, through us, reach out to the world. As a Christian, this sounds so nice to our hearing, and we all desire this.

But we must understand that we cannot be that effective channel of the manifestation of His love, mercy, grace and glory to the world if He has not manifest Himself to us. "...He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?" (John 14:21-22).

This is the way most Christians think, Lord I am save, I am ready to go all out to manifest your glory, they will say. But we must first understand that if we don't experience God's divine manifestation in our lives first, we can't make people have same experience. We must stay with the Lord and learn at His feet, allow Him to take hold of us in totality, sync our purpose with His, then we will be ready for God's manifestation through us. God is more interested in making us tried and trusted vessels before He send us into the world.

God's manifestation begins first with you. Take in on and keep winning daily.


Dear Lord, I submit myself to your manifestation, to your teachings and guide. My purpose I sync with Yours, make me a worthy vessel for You to manifest through, in Jesus name. Amen.

By Ese Ehimare Dave