Where There's No Encouragement-Flatimes

Saturday 30 July 2016

Where There's No Encouragement

A Promise For You From Bible Promises: [30/07/2016]

Topic: Where There's No Encouragement

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Ephesians 6:10. 1 Sam 30:1-8

Fuel/diesel is the food of an engine that keeps a vehicle moving. Encouragement is the fuel of the soul, it keeps and refreshes the soul. Oftentimes, encouragement seems to be far away when one needs it most, when there is no one to rely on, what do I do? (1) Encourage yourself in the Lord. Where there's no encouragement from any angle, you have to encourage yourself in the strength of the Almighty. Everyone was discouraged and taught of stoning David to death, but David encouraged himself in God. (2) Be tenacious in your decision. Come what may, you must resolve within yourself to stand firm in your decision. Tough times never last but tough people do. (3) Be focus and keep doing what you are doing. When you allow lack of encouragement from those you rely on to gain your attention, you lose focus and crash. Don't give up to discouragement, but be strong in the Lord and the power of His Might.

(4) Look up to Jesus only. Look up to Jesus the author and finisher of your faith knowing that without Him, you can do nothing. Heb. 12:1, Jn 15:4.

* May the joy of the Lord be your strength to be tenacious to accomplish your goals in Jesus Name.

By Emode Victor