Daily Devotional: Wisdom Demands That.....-Flatimes

Saturday 25 June 2016

Daily Devotional: Wisdom Demands That.....

A Promise For You From Bible Promises: [25/06/16]

Topic: Wisdom Demands That.....

If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct. Ecclesiastic 10:10. Read: Pro 4:5-9

According to Merriam- Webster Dictionary, it defines wisdom as, The knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life. The natural ability to understand things that most people cannot understand. It also means, knowledge of what is proper or reasonable; good sense or judgment. This means that, to give a good judgment, wisdom is profitable to direct. Solomon understood this principle, so, when he was given a blank cheque by God to state his request, he asked for wisdom to give good judgment. He became so vast and wise that his fame went all over the world, even the Queen of Sheba came to hear of it. Wisdom is most important in our daily living, and demand many things from us.

For instance, you wake up this morning hale and healthy, wisdom demand that you give glory to God the giver of life. Many slept like you did, but couldn't wake up like you do now. Wisdom demands that we give thanks unto God always (whether in good or bad time) because "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God". Rom 8:28. Wisdom also demand you serve God not only with your own life, but with your substances too because everything you've got came from God Almighty. Wisdom demands your totality.

* As you do the needful, May the wisdom of God announce you to your world in Jesus Name.

By Emode Victor