Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Wednesday November 18, 2015 Daily Devotional – It goes hand-in-hand-Flatimes

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Pastor Faith Oyedepo: Wednesday November 18, 2015 Daily Devotional – It goes hand-in-hand

Topic: It goes hand-in-hand [Wednesday 18 November, 2015]

“Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.”-1 Timothy 3:12

The popular saying that “Behind every successful man is a woman,” also applies in ministry as well. You can boldly say that behind every success ministry is a successful family life. The minister and his ministry cannot be dissociated from his family. An unstable family would always amount to an unstable ministry. This is where some ministers get it wrong. They want to build their ministry to the point of fame, but they end up neglecting an integral part of the ministry (family), which holds their integrity.

The family and your marriage in the eyes of God is sacred and He has said “let nothing put it asunder”, not even your ministry. That means, your responsibilities at the home front should not be neglected with the excuse of doing the works of a minister. A minister, who would be effective at church, must also be effective at home. Likewise a pastor’s wife, who would be respected in the open, should be respectful to her husband in secret.

God is not the author of confusion, and you cannot cover up your responsibilities with another; the lapses will always show. Playing your family role well, keeps you in constant communion with the throne of grace. Moreso, the fear of the Lord should be the driving force behind your actions at home. A successful home is dependent on total adherence to biblical principles, which includes ruling your home with a sense of responsibility.

Every minister must arise to build God’s Kingdom in their homes. You must ensure that you keep your vineyard away from the devourer, before you can be ascertain your ability in God, to keep His flock. You cannot be trusted with the well-being of others, if your home is in disarray. The Kingdom of God cannot be mocked, so you must ensure that your family shows a good example to others, especially those outside of the fold. Receive grace for a balanced ministry in the name of Jesus Christ!

Remain Blessed!

Pastor Faith Abiola Oyedepo is the wife of Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.